Cathedral of Faith Christian Ministry

Event Categories: Leadership

Cathedral of Faith Church with people praising and worshipping the Lord raising their hands as a sign of praise and worship

32 Years of Faith – COF’s 32nd Anniversary

Join us in celebrating a significant milestone as we commemorate the 32nd Anniversary of Cathedral of Faith. We extend a warm invitation to all - our church family, friends, neighbors, and community members - to join us in this momentous occasion. Over the past 32 years, Cathedral of Faith has

Metanoia: Renew, Repent, and Reconnect

Prepare to set out on a transformative journey of regeneration, repentance, and reconnecting at [Church Name's] Metanoia: Youth Camp 2022. For young people ages 13 to 18, this life-changing event offers a potent experience of faith, growth, and strengthening relationships. Metanoia, a Greek word that means "a change of heart"